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October 8, 2024

What Is Radical Self-Care: An LGBTQIA+ Guide

What Is Radical Self-Care: An LGBTQIA+ Guide

What is Radical Self-Care?

In today's world, self-care is often portrayed as a way to escape or unwind from our busy lives.

But for LGBTQIA+ individuals, self-care must go deeper than mere relaxation.

True self-care is not just about pampering ourselves or finding distractions through shopping or parties.

Radical self-care is a transformative practice that empowers us to reclaim our mental well-being in a society that often stigmatises us for our authentic selves.

This guide explores how radical self-care is both an act of resistance and self-affirmation for our community.

How is radical self-care different?

Unlike traditional self-care, which typically focuses on short-term relief, radical self-care recognises and addresses the systemic challenges and oppressions that LGBTQIA+ people face.

Radical self-care is about reclaiming one’s right to exist fully and authentically in the face of these obstacles.

It encourages us to stand up to the forces that seek to diminish our identities and to assert our right to prioritise our own well-being.

The foundations of radical self-care:

Emotional Validation

Radical self-care begins with giving yourself permission to feel all your emotions without judgment.

For those of us who experience discrimination, misgendering, or bullying, emotions like anger, sadness, and fear are natural responses to these injustices.

Rather than suppressing these feelings, radical self-care encourages us to acknowledge and accept them.

Validating your emotions means recognising them as legitimate responses to the unique challenges you face, which is the first step toward healing and resilience.

Setting Intentional Boundaries

Boundaries help us preserve our energy and protect our well-being.

For LGBTQIA+ individuals, this can mean limiting exposure to harmful content on social media or disengaging from intrusive or judgmental conversations.

Radical self-care reminds us that it’s okay to say “no.”

Setting boundaries is an act of self-preservation, creating safe spaces for yourself and building self-trust, which helps you feel secure wherever you go.

Community Support

Building a chosen family and seeking LGBTQIA+-affirming spaces are also crucial acts of radical self-care.

Connecting with people who understand your experiences can provide a deep sense of belonging and contribute to collective healing.

Whether through local LGBTQIA+ support groups, online communities, or friendships, being with people who affirm you is invaluable.

Mindfulness Techniques

Staying connected to the present moment can be especially helpful in managing anxiety, dysphoria, or overwhelming emotions.

Techniques like the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise (where you focus on five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste) bring you back to the present.

Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic or box breathing, calm the nervous system and reduce stress.

These techniques are all available for free on the Voda app, voiced by LGBTQIA+ artistes.


Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a dear friend.

This is especially important for LGBTQIA+ individuals who may struggle with internalised stigma or shame.

Radical self-care challenges these negative beliefs, fostering a relationship with yourself that is grounded in acceptance and self-love.

By practicing self-compassion, you begin dismantling harmful societal narratives and replacing them with affirmations of your worth and identity.

10 Days of Radical Self-Care

The "10 Days of Radical Self-Care" program, offered for free on Voda, provides a structured approach to developing and sustaining self-care practices that address both mental and spiritual needs.

Each day focuses on specific practices to build resilience and cultivate self-compassion:

Day 1: Practicing Self-Compassion

Release shame and nurture a kinder inner dialogue.

Day 2: Deep Breathing

Explore diaphragmatic breathing techniques to foster relaxation. This simple yet effective practice helps regulate stress responses and promotes a sense of peace.

Day 3: Making Space for Difficult Feelings

Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy’s “Expansion” technique, learn how to sit with difficult feelings, recognising them as part of the human experience and cultivating self-acceptance.

Day 4: Practicing Gratitude

Start with small moments of gratitude to anchor your day in positivity.

Day 5: Sensory Focus

his grounding exercise uses the senses to reduce anxiety and enhance mindfulness. It’s a valuable tool for staying connected to the present, especially during stressful times.

Day 6: Releasing Frustration

Through breathwork and mindfulness, practice acknowledging stigma and stressors, and letting go of frustration.

Day 7: Self-Soothing

Learn techniques like self-compassionate touch, which can provide a sense of reassurance and safety, helping you manage emotional distress more effectively.

Day 8: Queer Joy

Reflect on moments of queer joy, reminding yourself of the beauty and resilience within LGBTQIA+ identities.

Day 9: Self-Soothing

Learn techniques like self-compassionate touch, which can provide a sense of reassurance and safety, helping you manage emotional distress more effectively.

Day 9: A Moment in Nature

Whether you’re taking a walk outside or spending time with plants at home, connecting with nature can provide healing and perspective.

Day 10: Loving-Kindness Meditation

Through metta meditation, enhance self-compassion and build a sense of connection to the larger LGBTQIA+ community. This practice helps foster empathy and kindness.

Radical self-care is an act of resistance

In a world that often denies LGBTQIA+ identities, self-acceptance is a revolutionary act.

Radical self-care rejects narratives that seek to diminish our existence and instead honors and celebrates our identities as beautiful, worthy, and powerful.

Tips to Start Radical Self-Care

1. Start Small and Be Consistent:

Radical self-care is a lifelong practice, not a one-time event.

Begin with manageable steps that fit into your daily routine.

Small, consistent actions build a foundation for long-term success.

2. Integrate Self-Care into Daily Routines:

Look for ways to incorporate self-care practices into existing routines.

For instance, you might start your day with a grounding exercise or end it with a few minutes of reflection.

By embedding self-care into your day-to-day life, you can ensure that it becomes a consistent, nourishing part of your life.

3. Seek Out Affirming Spaces:

Surround yourself with people who understand and affirm your identity.

LGBTQIA+ support groups, both online and offline, can provide invaluable connection and understanding.

These spaces help foster a sense of belonging and remind you that you are not alone in your experiences.

4. Challenge Negative Narratives:

When negative self-criticism arise, pause to consider where these narratives originated.

Often, they are reflections of societal biases rather than truths about your worth.

As you begin this journey, remember that radical self-care is not just an act of self-preservation; it’s also a powerful declaration of your worth and right to thrive.

Explore Voda’s “10 Days of Radical Self-Care” guide on our app, where you’ll find structured support for building a holistic, affirming self-care routine.

About Voda:

Welcome to Voda, your queer mental health companion. Created by leading LGBTQIA+ psychotherapists, Voda combines leading psychotherapy expertise with AI to make mental wellbeing support more accessible, more inclusive and more intersectional.

No matter your gender, sexuality or relationship-diversity, Voda offers queer folks evidence-based tools to move towards thriving and fulfilled lives. Our innovative offering includes daily AI advice, queer-led meditations, cognitive journaling and self-guided therapy programmes rooted in the lived experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community.

You can download Voda here.

"10 Days of Radical Self-Care" is available on the Voda app.

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